
Maria Luisa Rocchi Flowers

The boundaries between internal and external spaces are becoming increasingly blurred, and the aesthetic and functional differences between furnishings meant for interiors and those that evoke the world of the street and garden are becoming ever thinner. This is the guiding idea behind Bevilacqua Architects’ formal research for the new Maria Luisa Rocchi Flowers store, located beneath the porticoes of Piazza Euclide in Rome. The feeling of continuity between inside and outside is amplified by the long, continuous windows, mirrors, and the double entrance—one facing the square and the other on Via Chelini.
The environment is modern with an industrial flair, yet it showcases a rigorous creative exploration in the experimentation and blending of natural and artificial materials, evoking international languages and styles. The space serves as a metaphor for an evocative journey, organizing three spacious environments that emblematically represent the market, the corridor, and the greenhouse. The corridor is symbolized by a long brass wall that runs through the entire store, connecting the two entrances.
The hexagonal basalt flooring suggests the atmosphere of the street, highlighting an exhibition concept that completely departs from the tradition of the shop and rather aligns with that of the market: a public space, an urban square enclosed within an internal area. Here, large green counters display floral creations and arrangements, vases, and various furnishings.
The third emblematic area, the greenhouse, is located beyond the row of counters. A large glass wall separates the exhibition space from the area where the fundamental phases of the work take place: in this zone, one enters the heart of the preparation, amidst scissors, shears, gloves, and stone basins that recall the memories of ancient washhouses.
Born from the deep passion of Maria Luisa, who has transformed her love for flowers into a true profession, Maria Luisa Rocchi Flowers harmonizes the complex relationship between decoration and functionality, revolutionizing the concept of a store and immersing the customer in a completely new social and relational space.


Project: Marta and Marco Bevilacqua, Bevilacqua Architects
Lighting Installation in Copper: Sabina Belfiore
General Contractor: BrancaLab
Photos: Simone Bossia