
Vasi Albert
Erotic Floral
Inspired by the history of body modifications and the theme of both aesthetic and carnal pleasure, the Albert vases arise from the interplay of two sculptural elements that are primitive and ancestral. Complementary yet opposite: a marble sphere and a brass rod. Rigid geometries that, upon meeting, generate a third formal entity—a sort of graft, a cutting. The sphere—feminine and round—serves as the origin, support, the base that opens to welcome the disruptive object, a cylindrical metal vase, an allegory of the male member. Here, a hole is created through which a fertile element emerges: a single plant/floral stem.
The Albert vases are decorative objects with evocative and symbolic sensuality. Composed of only two pieces that can be used separately and independently, they take shape through a play of contrasts—material, sensory, and anatomical: a warm material and a cold one, a heavy one and a light one, a shiny one and a matte one, a natural one and an artificial one, a spherical shape and an elongated one. A provocative and unconventional composition. In fact, it’s porn chic.
Collaboratori: Daniele Giovagnoli
Manufacturing: Marimar
Porno chic, Casa Ornella, Milano