
Petrol Station for Rome Historic Center

The project, commissioned by the Capital’s Urban Planning Councillor Roberto Morassut in 2006, sponsored by the Unione Petrolifera, and supported by the petroleum industry company Archigia Ltd., aims to define a standard service station for various oil companies, characterized by low environmental impact and the ability to provide services for both motorists and pedestrians. The project was developed during the “Exhibit 3D” course in the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 academic years within the Industrial Design Degree program at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. The students’ work was presented at two conferences at the Capitoline Hill venues, where general guidelines for potential future developments were outlined. Publication: ARCHITECTURAL RECORD, Aug 2007 ADNKRONOS, Nov, 2009


Assessorato all’Urbanistica